by Margaret Pearce

Life is such a precious gift. It is so mysterious because we do not know exactly when it will be given or when it will be taken away. We marvel at the wonder of its start, but also struggle with the fragile and tenuous nature of this life.

Daily we surrender ourselves as we pray Luther’s Morning and Evening Prayer, for we do not know the day nor the hour that we will lose this gift: ‘I thank you, my heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ, your dear Son, that you have graciously kept me this day; and I pray that you would forgive me all my sins where I have done wrong, and graciously keep me this night. For into your hands I commend myself, my body and soul, and all things. Let your holy angel be with me, that the evil foe may have no power over me. Amen.’

Sydney couple Leila and Danny Abdallah lost three of their own children and a niece when a drunk and drugged man ploughed into them on a footpath while they were on an innocent icecream-seeking excursion. Many of us were completely amazed when Leila, inspired by the Holy Spirit and strengthened by the teachings of her Lord, publicly and unreservedly forgave this man while she was speaking to the media on the morning following the crash.

Have you ever been so encouraged by a contemporary sister in Christ? I am profoundly moved and changed by this example of following Jesus – and by her testimony to the hope in God’s promises. Oh, that I could carry a burden and walk a mile with as much grace and acceptance as she has shown!

Let us also be salt and light in our communities. Let us bear this life’s mysteries, failures and disappointments, undeserved gifts and all that God gives us to carry with grace, forgiveness and yearning for the life to come. Inspired by the great gift of eternal life we have each received from God, let us thank God and speak openly and often about who is the author of all life.

Please keep the committee of Lutherans for Life in your prayers as we seek to highlight the sweet gift of life.

Lutherans for Life has wonderful resources to help in Bible studies, questions of ethics and understanding God’s design for life. Please visit our website or email us at to request a speaker for your event.

Margaret Pearce is a committee member of Lutherans for Life. 

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