How do we love someone
we disagree with?
How do we love someone
we disagree with?

Highly awarded publication

The Lutheran is one of the most highly awarded publications within the Australasian Religious Press Association and we’re very proud of it.

God’s love comes
to life

The Lutheran reveals how God’s love comes to life in the families, congregations and communities of the LCA/NZ.

Honest stories of our people

The Lutheran tells the stories of our people in the church with profound honesty and frankness – there’s no glossing over the tough issues.

Featured Stories


Disagreeing well

'Conflict is a values clash. When a conflict happens, it's always around something valuable to us and therefore has some emotions attached to it. However, if we're in a conflict and we don't see the other person's perspective, even if we win, we lose.' That's the view of Pastor Chris Mann, who helps workplaces deal with conflict as well as serving a Lutheran school community.

Website resource to support congregations

A Congregational Life website designed to support congregations and agencies in areas including worship, pastoral care, discipleship and faith teaching, outreach and church planting, and community service is being developed by the church. It is one of the outcomes of a report addressing the LCANZ’s ministry challenges.

God’s word lights the way to life

Hedley Scholz credits dairy farming for giving him his strong voice. To be more precise he says it’s a credit to the cows and the working dogs which herded them. It’s this upbringing that has established a voice perfect for lay reading, a service that Hedley has provided to his local Lutheran congregations for the past 70 years.

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This month’s featured photo

Resorting to staying connected

While relaxing at the Lomani Island Resort in Fiji recently, husband-and-wife duo Andrew Waldhuter and Lyndall Walter took time out to look at the latest edition of The Lutheran via the convenience of the digital edition. Andrew and Lyndall are members of Trinity Lutheran Church Pasadena, in South Australia.

Send us a photograph featuring a recent copy of The Lutheran and it may appear here and on page 2 of a future issue.

What subscribers say about The Lutheran

‘I love the way The Lutheran openly proclaims the gospel as it should be, encouraging and uplifting all readers that our God calls and gifts us for his purposes in his kingdom. I’m excited to hear diverse stories of our own people where the life-giving love of God is embraced and put into practice!’

I’m one of the older generation but, I hope these days with a renewed understanding and vision for ’the Church’. I consider The Lutheran is a very valuable resource to assist our daily walk going forward.

I enjoy reading about all the various ministries initiatives happening around Australia, New Zealand and beyond which I may not ever hear about if it wasn’t for The Lutheran.

Our copy of The Lutheran arrived today and I would like you to know how much we appreciate reading it. You present the lifesaving power of the gospel. You present such a positive church which is encouraging us to keep supporting people.

About Us

As the magazine of the Lutheran Church of Australia (incorporating the Lutheran Church of New Zealand), The Lutheran informs the members of the LCA about the church’s teaching, life, mission and people, helping them to grow in faith and commitment to Jesus Christ.

The Lutheran also provides a forum for a range of opinions, which do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the editor or the policies of the Lutheran Church of Australia. The Lutheran is a member of the Australasian Religious Press Association and as such subscribes to its journalistic and editorial codes of conduct.

© 2020 THE LUTHERAN – ALL RIGHTS RESERVED - Created by LCA Communications