by Kate Bourne and Anne Dohnt

Lutheran educators are being invited to delve into the topics of ‘Mission in Lutheran schools and early childhood services’ and ‘Wellbeing through a Christian lens’. These two subjects were the dual themes of the recent live-streamed Lutheran Education Australia (LEA) Ministry Conference. The conference provided for personal and professional growth for staff in Lutheran schools, with a focus on ministry personnel.

Any principals, teachers, chaplains, pastors and wellbeing staff who didn’t participate online on 24 to 26 May can still take part, with the conference sessions videos available on demand.


Conference speakers, including presenter Rev Dr Chad Rimmer, Lutheran World Federation program executive, encouraged participants to reflect on the purpose of Lutheran education. Dr Rimmer sparked discussion among live-stream participants by exploring the link between formation, reformation and transformation, and transformative pedagogy as an educational philosophy. ‘A Lutheran approach to education is about forming people who can fulfil their vocation to be the caretakers, tillers and keepers of God’s earth, and contribute to the physical, political, economic and ecological health and wellbeing of their society’, he said.

Keynote speakers also included Dr Phil Daughtry of Tabor College, missiologist Michael Frost, Professor Br David Hall of the Australian Catholic University, Dr Natasha Moore from the Centre for Public Christianity, Dr Rowan Lewis of the Australian College of Ministries and clinical psychologist Dr Katherine Thompson. Keynote presentations were accompanied by electives enabling participants to focus on a chosen area.


There were 250 session views during the conference and (as at press time) approximately 650 further engagements with the sessions since 26 May. In the coming weeks, participants will be invited to follow-up sessions where they can explore the implications for Lutheran education.

To request viewing conference session videos, email


‘Loved Michael Frost and [LCANZ church planter] Chris Podlich. They married up very well … and were both encouraging and challenging.’

‘Chad Rimmer was thought-provoking, David Hall and Rowan Lewis were also highlights.’

‘I loved the theme – I believe we need to continue the conversation around what wellbeing looks like through a Christian lens and how we can connect faith and wellbeing in the lives of our students. Affirming!’

‘Natasha Moore leads by about five lengths at this stage! …. I will certainly want to share it with my staff as part of our ongoing formation.’

Kate Bourne is LEA Administration Assistant and Anne Dohnt is Director of Formation.

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