Pastor Richard Schwedes will be the next bishop of the New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory District of the LCANZ.

Pastor Richard, who will also have oversight of the Lutheran Church of New Zealand through a Memorandum of Understanding between the LCNZ and the NSW-ACT District, was elected during the district’s 40th Convention of Synod at Wagga Wagga NSW in March. He and his wife Veronica currently serve in St Paul’s Sydney and Redeemer Narraweena congregations.

Once installed to the role, most likely mid-year, he will succeed Bishop Robert Bartholomaeus, who has served as bishop since October 2018 and has been a pastor in the NSW & ACT District for 23 years.

Bishop-elect Richard has served as assistant bishop of the district since 2019.

‘I see life about being focused on Jesus’ mission – helping people connect to Jesus, his love and grace and his community because he offers and gives a love that never gives up and is better than anything else we experience’, he said prior to the 8–10 March convention.

Also at the convention, Pastor John Borchert was elected as assistant bishop for the next synodical term. Pastor John also serves the Walla Walla and Alma Park congregations in NSW.

– Reporting by Tanya Cunningham

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