Resources for your time with God

Introduced during a time of COVID-related church closures and restrictions, our devotional pages under the Church@home banner have been very popular with many readers. But spending time with God throughout the week isn’t only a blessing when we can’t get to church on a Sunday. It’s an important boost for our faith every week. Therefore, you’ll continue to find support for your devotional life on these pages – and the LCANZ has plenty of other resources which we’ll highlight for your information, too.

– Lisa


Encouraging those who labour among us by Craig Heidenreich

Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you (Hebrews 13:17).

Read Hebrews 13:17–25.

Who would choose to be a leader when, so often, the outcome is ‘groaning’? It’s not easy being a leader – in fact, anyone who seeks leadership (for its own sake) probably needs their head read.

People are so different that almost any decision a leader makes will displease someone. True leadership is not a popularity contest – it is a calling to serve.

The concept of obedience and submission to other humans is less accepted today, but one way we can show a supportive attitude is to affirm our leaders.

So, who are these leaders?

When reading a verse like this, we would usually think of our pastors, as they are obvious, visible leaders, but there are various leadership roles that are important for a congregation to function well. Let’s encourage all our leaders.

One of the spiritual gifts mentioned in Romans 12:8 is the gift of encouragement, and we know that encouragement goes a long way. Our determination to be encouraging also keeps the ‘accuser of the brethren’ at bay (Revelation 12:10).

I was once sitting in a church service (just as a congregation member), and as the meeting ended and announcements were about to happen, I suddenly had a ‘prompting’ to go to the front and publicly thank the pastor for his ministry. It felt a bit risky, but the congregation got my drift and spontaneously joined in affirming the pastor (who was obviously very moved).

He later told me privately, ‘In my years of ministry, no-one has ever affirmed me publicly’.

It’s tough being a leader!

Let’s encourage our leaders so there is less ‘groaning’ and more ‘rejoicing’ among us.

Thank you, Lord, for gifting your body with key leaders who ‘keep watch’ for our welfare. Strengthen them today and bless them in their work. Forgive me, Lord, for times I criticise rather than bless – and show me how I can encourage those around me. Help me to see the moment in every day. Amen.

Sacrificial faith by Libby Krahling

Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God (Hebrews 13:16).

Read Hebrews 13:1–16.

Hebrews reminds us that life is like a race.

We have the ‘great cloud of witnesses’ cheering us on from the sidelines, with the Holy Spirit as our coach. Submitting to the Father’s discipline is like training for the race; the more we endure, the more we are strengthened and prepared for greater challenges. We can focus on the ‘finish line’, our eyes fixed on Christ, because we are assured of God’s grace.

As a natural outpouring of Christ-like faith, in this passage we are exhorted to live Godly lives, in which we emulate Jesus’ sacrificial love for us in the way we deal with the world around us. Echoing Jesus’ words in Matthew 25, we are to show hospitality to the stranger and care for those in prison, sacrificing our comfort and possessions for the welfare of others. We should live in accordance with the commandments, keeping our marriage vows and being content with the blessings we have received from God, rather than coveting new partners or more money and possessions. Our sacrifice is letting go of our wants and desires and trusting that God has given us everything we need.

Sometimes, we might be tempted to fill our emptiness with ‘strange teachings’. Hebrews reminds us again to look to the example of faithful people before us, both the heroes of old and those who taught us the faith. Looking at their lives, we can remind ourselves again that ‘Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever’. Good models of faith show us that true faith fixes its eyes on Jesus, trusts that God will provide and is able to withstand all kinds of trials for the ‘greater reward’.

When we consider everything that God has done for us, it is almost overwhelming. He gave his only Son to die for us. He sees all our dirt, all our shame, and still loves us, and calls us to join him in his banqueting hall. What can we do in response?

‘Through him, then, let us continually offer a sacrifice of praise to God, that is, the fruit of lips that confess his name. Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.’

Loving Lord, we thank and praise you for your constant love and presence in our lives. Help us to love each other as you have loved us, ready to sacrifice ourselves for the sake of your kingdom. Amen.

To receive the LCA daily devotion each morning in your inbox, go to and select Daily Devotions from the Churchwide list after entering your email address. These can also be printed off from the LCA website at


Week Sunday readings
4–10 JUNE Genesis 6:9–22; 7:24; 8:14–19 Psalm 46 Romans 1:16,17; 3:22b–28 (29–31) Matthew 7:21–29
11–17 JUNE Genesis 12:1–9 Psalm 33:1–12 Romans 4:13–25 Matthew 9:9–13, 18–26
18–24 JUNE Genesis 18:1–15 (21:1–7) Psalm 116:1,2,12–19 Romans 5:1–8 Matthew 9:35–10:8 (9–23)
25 JUN–1 JUL Genesis 21:8–21 Psalm 86:1–10,16,17 Romans 6:1b–11 Matthew 10:24–39
2–8 JULY Genesis 22:1–14 Psalm 13 Romans 6:12–23 Matthew 10:40–42
9–15 JULY Genesis 24:34–38,42–49,


Psalm 45:10–17 Romans 7:15–25a Matthew 11:16–19,25–30
16–22 JULY Genesis 25:19–34 Psalm 119:105–112 Romans 8:1–11 Matthew 13:1–9,18–23
23–29 JULY Genesis 28:10–19a Psalm 139:1–12,23,24 Romans 8:12–25 Matthew 13:24–30,36–43
30 JUL–5 AUG Genesis 29:15–28 Psalm 105:1–11 Romans 8:26–39 Matthew 13:31–33,44–52

For more prayer and devotional resources, including a listing of daily Bible readings for each day of the church year, go to 

Lutheran Tract Mission also provides the readings in a booklet, which can be accessed electronically at or as a printed booklet through the LTM office (phone 08 8360 7222) for a donation of 20c per copy.  


4–10 June: The LCA’s Qld District, which has met for its annual Convention of Synod on 2-4 June

11–17 June: Synod delegates and organisers of the Lutheran Church of NZ’s Convention held on 9-11 June

18–24 June: People displaced by war, persecution or famine on World Refugee Day (20 June)

25 Jun–1 July: Torres Strait Islander peoples, for Coming of the Light, marking the 19th-century adoption of Christianity in island communities (1 July)

2–8 July: Australian First Nations peoples during NAIDOC Week, which Recognises First Nations History and culture

9–15 July: Those who serve on the LCANZ’s commissions on worship, social and bioethical questions, and theology and inter-church relations

16–22 July: All who work to support justice and advocate for victims’ rights on International Justice Day (17 July)

23–29 July: The Lutheran Nurse of the Year for 2023, Sharon Berridge, and all who serve as nurses in a range of settings

30 July–5 August: People who are considering studying at Australian Lutheran College, with the hope of serving the LCANZ in some capacity

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