Why does a society, that probably now identifies as predominantly non-Christian, still celebrate Easter? What is Easter really about? If you’ve ever asked, been asked or thought about that question, a video discussion between Pastor Noel Due, Celia Fielke and Pastor Richard Fox may help.

Go to www.messagesofhope/easter to watch the six-minute video. There is also a one-minute video entitled ‘What is Easter about?’, as well as podcasts and booklets to help you contemplate and share the message of Easter with others. For more on Lutheran Media ministries, read the adjacent stories.

There’s plenty for the kids

You can also invite children to know more about Easter (www.happyland.com.au). There’s an online Easter calendar with Easter ‘eggs’ to open which contain activities and videos about Easter. There’s also a small booklet, ‘The Easter Story’, that you can order. There are five-minute videoed children’s messages available, too.

What they say about Lutheran Media programs …

‘Just wanted to encourage you all! Your program with messages of hope is great! Keep up the wonderful work. I heard the program with a lady interviewing another lady about her daughter killed by a driver and her forgiveness process. Excellent!’ – Lindsay

You can watch the ‘Healing the Jagged Edges’ video of the interview Lindsay is referring to at www.messagesofhope.org.au

Lutheran Media’s outreach ministries are changing people’s lives by bringing the gospel to them. You can support them at www.lutheranmedia.org.au/support-us/donations/ or by phoning 1800 353 350.

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