by Tania Nelson

Social media – some people love it, others hate it, and there are a range of opinions in between. Like many tools, social media can be used for good and it can be used for evil.

While social media can weigh people down or be used as a distraction from facing present realities, Christian content via social media platforms can lift people up and remind them that they are loved by a gracious God.

Lutheran Media uses platforms including Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn to share messages of hope in Jesus. It’s wonderful to see that many Christian congregations and organisations also use social media to shine the light of God into the world.


According to McCrindle research, the first faith encounter for new and exploring Christians is online. Almost half of Gen Z use social media as their primary source of spiritual life. So, if young people are going to social media for spiritual encounters, what are they seeing and where are we in that landscape?

In having an active online presence through social media, we are offering a voice of hope into the lives of people who are seeking hope in a hopeless world. Lutheran Media and its associated ministry Messages of hope posts daily on social media, sharing messages of hope in Jesus to more than 6000 followers.


From 2024, Lutheran Media will post the gospel reading from the LCANZ’s lectionary readings each week on Facebook and Instagram. Lutheran Media would love you to:

  • ‘Like’ and ‘share’ these posts on your social media presence. By liking and sharing Christian content, a whole new audience (the audience of your friends and followers) hears of God’s love for us.
  • Have your church like and share the posts too.
  • Reflect on the gospel reading as preparation for your weekly worship.
  • Copy the post into your congregation’s or school’s PowerPoint slides, for example, as an introduction to the worship time or as a sermon/message slide.
  • Use the post in your church bulletin or school newsletter.

To find these posts, either follow Lutheran Media (and Messages of hope) on social media, or download the post directly from

Another great thing about the posts is that they’re free!


Encourage your congregation to have a social media presence to bless your local community.

If your congregation wishes to delve into the world of social media, check out the LCANZ’s excellent ‘Social Media Policy’ found at

My advice to a congregation that is considering a social media presence is to ensure that there are at least two administrators of your site, so that communication can be consistent and timely, and comments can be appropriately monitored.

Jesus tells us to ‘let your light shine before others’ (Matt 5:16). Social media is one means of doing just that.

Tania Nelson is Lutheran Media Manager.

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