by Libby Krahling

Getting ready for Advent and Christmas? Then a copy of LCA Music Resources Volume 4: Songs of the Church for Advent, Christmas and Epiphany, may help. Presenting 100 hymns and songs, the collection can be purchased as a spiral-bound hard copy or as individual digital downloads. Chords and three-part settings make the songs accessible for musicians of varying experience. You can buy it through Australian Christian Resources at


As well as providing service orders for Christmas, the LCANZ’s Worship Planning Page includes other Advent and Christmas resources to help with congregational preparations for this special time of year. These include a guide to Christmas carol copyright and a wide range of Christmas Eve orders and Christmas plays.


The Commission on Worship is calling for songwriters and composers to contribute new songs and liturgical settings for use in worship. These could include lyrics added to existing tunes, new songs or musical settings for parts of the liturgy. For details and submission criteria, contact David Simpfendorfer at

Libby Krahling is Commission on Worship Administration Coordinator.

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