Since its launch in 2021, Lay Preacher Training from Australian Lutheran College (ALC) has drawn more than 25 enrolments from all districts and countries of the LCANZ.

Commissioned by the LCANZ’s College of Bishops, this training is one way to support congregations in a time of pastoral vacancy and is available to both current and future congregational lay preachers. The Lay Preacher Training course is designed as self-paced training in which an individual works through the content within ALC’s iLearn platform, and with the support of a mentor pastor.

Within iLearn, the individual journeys through five content modules that help to lay a solid foundation for learning to prepare and deliver a sermon. The content of the Lay Preacher Training mirrors what pastoral students learn within the ‘Preaching the Word’ unit at ALC. This provides coherency and consistency between the pastoral office and the service of lay preachers.


After completing the modules, the individual then writes and preaches sermons under the supervision of their mentor pastor. Each time a sermon has been preached, the individual goes through a process of gaining feedback and conducting self-reflection, as well as then applying any changes to content and delivery style before preaching another sermon.

To complete the Lay Preacher Training, an individual submits a portfolio of evidence that shows how their sermons have been prepared, proof of sermons that have been preached and a feedback report from their mentor pastor.

Doing the Lay Preacher Training does not immediately qualify an individual to be appointed as a lay preacher. Appointment can only be made by the District Bishop after they have engaged in discussions with the individual candidate and their congregation and mentor pastor and reviewed the portfolio of evidence. An appointment as a lay preacher is only valid for 12 months at a time.


To find out more and to register for the training, visit or email

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