by Richard Fox

According to recent government surveys, one in three people feels lonely. On Messages of Hope in April, Rachel and Emma share their stories of loneliness and where they find hope.

Problems in Rachel’s life led to her being ‘completely cut off’ from people she loved. ‘My marriage ended. My friends didn’t want anything to do with me’, she says. ‘I’d lost my job. I had to start again with nothing. It’s unknown and the unknown is what fear lives from.’

Rachel shares her experience of the unknowns, isolation and lost connections with family and friends. Listen to what she learnt and how she found the strength to face the unknown on Messages of Hope at


Almost 40, with no partner or children, Emma is constantly faced with questions around her single life. She’s also been given plenty of unwanted advice!

She explains: ‘I call it the society blueprint. You finish school, you get a job, you get a partner, you buy a house, children, retire. So, if you don’t fit the blueprint, where do you fit in society?’

Listen as Emma shares how she navigates society’s expectations as a single person, and the hope she has discovered in embracing being single on your Messages of Hope at

Watch the short video on Loneliness at

Pastor Richard Fox is Director of Lutheran Media.

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