by Pastor Matt Anker

‘Every Lutheran church in Asia should have at least one senior pastor who has trained at Australian Lutheran College [ALC] … Then you will have someone who knows confessional Lutheran theology!’ This was the heart-felt expression of an Asian bishop during a gathering of regional church leaders in 2019.

ALC is recognised by our partner churches as a great gift for its faithfulness to Lutheran, biblical theology and its place in the Asia-Pacific, and the understanding this brings of contextual issues. After a lifetime of mission, the bishop quoted above knows that understanding the gospel as articulated in the Lutheran Confessions is vital in order to bring forgiveness and hope to people trapped in darkness and sin. And he knows that’s exactly what you get at ALC.

For many years, LCA International Mission has worked with ALC to provide theological education to support our partner churches. Many LCANZ pastoral students have benefitted by studying alongside scholarship holders from PNG and Asia, who bring a passion for the gospel and an urgency to mission.

In recent years, ALC has sent lecturers throughout the region to provide short-term intensive courses and provided support to Malaysia’s Lutheran Study Centre. During COVID, ALC has engaged in new ways by delivering online webinars to overseas students.

Our mission partners are blessed with a hunger for Lutheran theology which brings the light of the gospel to their communities. It’s little wonder the bishop said every Asian church needed pastors trained at ALC! With your help, LCA International Mission and ALC can continue to support God’s mission in this way.

Pastor Matt Anker is Assistant to the Bishop – International Mission.

Want to know more about supporting ALC to equip leaders in our partner churches to proclaim the gospel? Please call 08 8267 7300 or email

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