by David Craig

During our retirement, my wife Ruth and I have been blessed to be able to volunteer in several countries. In each case, there were new faces, a new language and a different culture. As strangers in foreign lands, we knew there would be challenges. But there were also many kindnesses.

When Ruth first left her South Australian hometown to teach in a Lutheran mission in Papua New Guinea in 1960, she was unsure what lay ahead. But on her arrival, she was met by an act of kindness. The parents of her students presented her with a hen and bowl of eggs. Through an interpreter, they explained she was regarded as the mother to their children who would be safe under her wings.

This simple act of friendship gave Ruth an insight into the locals’ welcome to her, a stranger.

While living in Sumatra, in a seminary where we were helping incoming students with English, we received many invitations into people’s homes. Once when we were asked to visit for coffee, we were greeted with ‘Happy birthday’! Yes, it was Ruth’s birthday and they had made a cake to celebrate.

After the singing of ‘Happy Birthday’, Ruth was fed the first mouthful of cake on a spoon. Then, as was the custom, she fed other guests. It was a heartwarming experience.

One Easter while we were teaching in Pakistan, our director, knowing we were Christians, offered us his car and driver so we could attend the nearest church, two-and-a-half hours away. When we returned, it was touching to be welcomed by the director and his family. They said, as we were far from home, we should recognise our holy day with a party and they were happy to celebrate with us. We were then able to share our faith with our Muslim friends.

During our time teaching in Nepal, we began to long for some Aussie bread. The wife of a teacher must have heard us ‘grumbling’ and several days later was on our doorstep with a warm, freshly baked loaf.

In Bangkok, we were privileged to be invited to the blessing of a new Lutheran church in northern Thailand. The village had very few resources, but the locals wanted to show hospitality to those who had travelled long distances.

Some villagers spent many hours preparing meals, while at night they joined visitors in hymn-singing and testimonials. Bedtime was a revelation – 40 visitors, including the bishop, slept on the floor of the small church building. We were head-to-toe, but it was a most entertaining experience! We strongly felt our oneness in Christ with the villagers who had welcomed us.

Over the years, many offers of hospitality have led to enduring friendships. Thanks be to God for the opportunity to learn from other cultures. We were no longer strangers, but pilgrims on a journey.

David and Ruth Craig are volunteers with LCA International Mission. Go to or phone Nevin on 08 8267 7300 for more information.

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