The Australian Lutheran College (ALC) Board of Directors is now a calling body of the LCA/NZ.

The General Church Board (GCB) has approved the change, which is purely procedural, after a request by the ALC Board. Past practice has been for GCB, on the college’s behalf, to call all ALC teaching staff. This arrangement came from the time when the college council was a ‘committee’ of the church. More recently, as an incorporated entity, ALC has its own governance board, which requires a change to the calling arrangement to make it consistent with wider practice in the LCA/NZ.

Before making its decision, GCB conducted an extensive inquiry with ALC’s Board of Directors, satisfying itself that the request:

  • Aligns with the rules and practices of the LCA/NZ
  • Will assist ALC in fulfilling its charter to serve the church through the implementation of its Strategic Direction (2017–2022)
  • Will not adversely affect any ALC staff currently serving under a call.

In approving the request, GCB asked the ALC Board to reissue current GCB calls as ALC calls. The LCA/NZ will be advised of the calls using the normal church processes.

The call to the ALC principal continues unchanged as a call issued by GCB.

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