by Pastor James Winderlich, Principal of ALC

Australian Lutheran College (ALC) launched Discover in 2020 and its uptake has amazed us. The diverse nature of our first student cohort is a delight. The inaugural intake has members living in five Australian states, while our mid-year intake included a student from New Zealand. The course includes women and men, young and old, and people discerning callings with different vocational outcomes and those looking to study part or full-time.

The only attribute defining a ‘typical’ Discover student is a willingness to complete theological study while engaging in a local ministry to explore God’s call. Recognising the whisper of the Holy Spirit is just the start. Discover uses an action/reflection model to help participants hear and explore God’s call more fully.

Support for emerging church workers and volunteers

The Discover program is designed to uncover and support the LCA/NZ’s emerging volunteers, church workers, teachers and pastors by helping them to become more aware of their calling, to think theologically and to serve faithfully.

This is done through partnerships between:

  • The inquirer, who could be based anywhere in Australia or New Zealand;
  • The inquirer’s local faith community. This could include a congregation, school, aged and community care facility, camp, for example;
  • The wider church community, which could be an LCA/NZ district, department or agency; and
  • ALC.

Combine study and ministry activities

Discover includes a course of academic study and transformative ministry activities. In most cases the study will be through a Diploma in Theology. For people sensing a call to pastoral ministry, the diploma will count as the first year of pastoral studies. For those called to serve as a Lutheran school teacher, it can be used to complete some parts of their accreditation. For people who sense a call to serve as lay workers and volunteers, it will provide a deep grounding in Lutheran teaching and practice.

Unsure about where God wants you?

The Discover program is also designed for people who aren’t sure about where God is calling them to serve. If you are a family member or friend of someone curious about God’s call to them, why not encourage them towards Discover?

For more information about Discover, please email

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