In northern Thailand, Khun Daw reflects on her past and the fear her family felt from the tight hold spirit doctors had on their lives. She remembers the moment she asked for help from an evangelist who visited their home. ‘Who is Jesus and what is the Bible?’, she had asked.

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Former LCA President Rev Dr Lance Steicke died last month, aged 88. Dr Steicke served in the role now known as LCANZ Bishop from 1987 to 2000. LCANZ Bishop John Henderson said Dr Steicke was ‘a respected and admired church leader’.

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For retired Openbook Publishers General Manager Warren Schirmer, 73, and his wife Marianne, 69, a casual conversation with a guest at a friend’s barbecue in 2010 has led them to more than a decade of serving as volunteers for LCA International Mission.

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