Entries by lisamcintosh


Mission-focused pastor takes on churchwide role

Pastor Mark Schultz has accepted a call from the LCANZ to serve as the church’s Assistant to the Bishop – International Mission from next year. Despite serving for 18 years at Sydney’s LifeWay Lutheran Church, Pastor Mark wasn’t looking for a change. However, God had a new plan for the lead pastor at the multi-ethnic, multi-site church.


The path of peace – an Advent reflection

Who was John the Baptist? Just a Grizzly Adams-type mountain man wearing a tunic of camel’s hair and eating grasshoppers dipped in honey? Pastor Reid Matthias reflects on the unorthodox life of this desert wanderer, whose role was to ‘go on before the Lord to prepare a way for him, to give his people the knowledge of salvation [and] to guide our feet into the path of peace’.


Synod enables ordination of women and men

General Synod voted in October to enable the ordination of both women and men as pastors in the church. Delegates supported a proposal from the General Church Board and College of Bishops to remove from the LCA’s Theses of Agreement the paragraph that prohibited women from entering the pastoral ministry.