When speaking to the recent online General Pastors Conference, I described the church as the ‘beachhead’ of heaven on earth. If we pay close attention, we will hear the distant surf crashing on its beaches and see the glow of the rising sun on the far horizon heralding the new era of justice, peace and love.

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On 6 July, in a first for the LCANZ’s General Pastors Conference (GPC), participants met online for the triennial meeting with a slimmed-down agenda. The conference leaders and IT support team broadcast the conference from the boardroom in the Churchwide Office in North Adelaide, with 202 pastors logged on from their homes or offices. Some pastors gathered in regional hubs.

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I must have been about 11 or 12. I remember my disappointment at being told my mum’s family would not all be getting together for Christmas Day that year because some of my older cousins would be spending the day with their in-laws.

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