The Right Reverend Lu Guan Hoe is the new bishop of LCANZ overseas partner church Lutheran Church in Singapore (LCS).

Bishop Lu, who succeeds Bishop Terry Kee Buck Hwa, was installed as the third bishop of the LCS on 26 June. Ordained in 1992, Bishop Lu has served in pastoral ministry, as well on the Four Denominations Chinese Work Executive Council, the latter for more than 10 years. He studied at Trinity Theological College and Lutheran Theological Seminary in Hong Kong. He is married to Grace, and they have two daughters.

LCANZ Bishop John Henderson sent greetings for the installation: ‘For many years we have enjoyed a strong and encouraging relationship with you all in Singapore’, he said. ‘We thank God for you, and for our fellowship in Christ in our region. Bishop Lu Guan Hoe, may God hold you in the palm of his hand, lifting you up and inspiring you.’

Established in 1997, the LCS has established missions in China, Mongolia, Thailand and Cambodia, together with the International Seafarers Mission in Singapore.

Read more about Bishop Emeritus Terry Kee’s service in LCA International Mission’s magazine Border Crossings, included with this edition of The Lutheran and available at

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